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MGA - Men's Golf Association

2022 MGA Board

2022 HLR MGA Board

(Left to Right): Bruce Beam (Treasurer), JR Hestand (VP and Tournament Director), Lance Hayes (Secretary), Bo Gowan (President), Dan Paettie (Communications Director)

Letter from Bo Gowan - President, HLR MGA Board

Hello MGA Friends,

If you can believe it, we are already coming up on our first golf event of 2022. We start the year with a lot to be excited about. Last summer’s replacement of all 18 course greens turned out beautifully. The greens are bigger, they roll better, and several problem greens were re-graded to improve the putting experience (for example, green #2). In addition, the temporary closure of the course and lower overall traffic allowed the fairways to fill in, and for our maintenance team to complete several course improvements like adding grass along several fairway roughs and improving water drainage.

For 2022, we return to a full calendar of 10 MGA tournaments, 2022 TOURNAMENTS | HLRMGA, and we will also be looking to add a few social events to our schedule. More than anything, our HLR MGA is about having fun playing golf with our friends and family. As we start 2022, I ask you to help us welcome in the new members of our growing community and golf course. A bad round of golf is still a good day. I’ve seen many of you play…we don’t look to have anyone turning pro anytime soon 😊

Our first 2022 tournament kicks off February 19th with our MGA Member Drive. This 4-man scramble event is FREE to play in, but you have to be a paid MGA member to participate, so make sure you join the HLR MGA for 2022. Teams for the member drive are “computer draw” so it’s a great way to meet your fellow golfers.

At only $45 for the year, your MGA membership brings many benefits. In addition to allowing you to play in our tournaments and club championship, joining the MGA includes a GHIN membership that allows you to establish an official golf handicap. In fact, more than half of your MGA dues go directly to GHIN.

MGA dues also help fund various improvement projects around the golf course. Currently, we are contributing funds to a planned removal of dozens of tree stumps around the course, and you’ll also soon notice a new golf course weather station located at the driving range that is accessible to all via an app on your phone.

We have a great MGA Board for 2022 and we are excited to continue to support our Association. Joining me on the Board are:

• Guy (JR) Hestand, VP & Tournament Director
• Bruce Beam, Treasurer
• Dan Paettie, Communications Director
• Lance Hayes, Secretary

We meet monthly with our HLR GM and Golf Pro, Jeff Wilson, and any MGA member is welcome to sit in on those monthly meetings (first Friday of each month). Or just reach out to us directly with questions or comments.

It’s easy to keep connected with MGA activities. In addition to our MGA website, you can subscribe to MGA email updates, or follow us on Facebook. We also have an online MGA member directory (the password to access it is hlrmga). Please login and check your info…you can send me an updated headshot picture or new contact info at or text me at 214-334-2474.

See you on the golf course.

Bo Gowan
President | HLR MGA

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