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HomeCommunity Compliance FAQ

Community Compliance

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who is responsible for enforcing Rules and Regulations and ARA Guidelines?

A: This is one of the primary responsibilities of the HLRA Security Department.  They make daily rounds throughout HLRA observing and reporting any non-compliance.

Q: How do the Security Officers reach out to the homeowners for violations?

A: Whether or not a citation is issued immediately depends on the type of violation.  Examples of violations that may be issued immediately are called "incurable" and include, but are not limited to:  traffic violations, fishing and boating violations, hunting, littering, unauthorized cutting of trees, etc.

Other violations are "curable", meaning they can be fixed.  In this case the officers attempt to make courtesy personal contact to make the property owner aware of the violation.  This visit involves education as to what the violation is and what can be done to bring it into compliance.  When contact is not possible, Sections 202, 207 and 209 of the Texas Property Code are followed.

Please see HLRA Rules and Regulations.

Q: If I feel the violation I have been cited for is incorrect, what options do I have?

A: You may appeal any citation to the Board of Directors.

Q: If I rent my house out who is responsible for any violations?

A: If a violation is found, the renter and the homeowner will both receive a copy of the letters. The homeowner is ultimately responsible for any violation found on the property.